The SMART Principle: Moving Daily

The SMART Principle: Moving Daily

Are Canadians losing their ability to move? Check out these highlights of a study from the Directions in Physiotherapy by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. A majority of Canadians (54%) believe they are less mobile today than 10 years ago. Overall mobility...
Ice or Heat?

Ice or Heat?

One of the most frequent questions a physiotherapist is asked is, “I’ve injured myself. Should I use ice or heat?” Either of these options if used correctly can help to control and heal injuries.   Cold Therapy: How and When Should I Use It? Commonly used cooling...
What is Repetitive Strain Injury?

What is Repetitive Strain Injury?

Do you experience dull aches, loss of grip strength or numbness? What about restricted mobility in a particular joint, sharp pains, tingling or weakness? If so, you may be suffering from repetitive strain injury (RSI). RSI is one of today’s most common occupational...