Back Pain

Back Pain

Ever wonder if that nagging back pain is going to get worse? Almost everyone experiences back pain during their lifetime. In fact, more than 70% of back problems begin during routine day-to-day activities. Accidents and other forms of trauma account for only 30% of...
Foot Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

Foot Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue that runs from the ball of the foot to the heel. When the plantar fascia is under severe stress it stretches too far and tears causing inflammation and pain....
Neck Pain & Headaches

Neck Pain & Headaches

The next time you feel the onset of a headache, you might want to take note of your posture and body position. If you’re hunched over a computer or a video game, chances are you’re suffering from an increasingly common complaint known as a cervicogenic headache....